general information and methods of access
L'accesso alla Biblioteca della Fondazione è libero.
Resta attivo il servizio di prenotazione online di giorno e materiale bibliografico per coloro che ne vogliano usufruire

Lucio Riccetti
Largo di Torre Argentina, 11 - 00186 Rome
Telephone: 0668192984
For the duration of the health emergency the opening hours of the Library will be as follows:
MONDAY - FRIDAY 9.30-13.00 / 14.00-16.30
How to access and consult

Access mode
All those who carry out research and study activities and who have reached the age of eighteen are admitted to attend
To register for the library, online registration is required
Subsequently, upon receiving a confirmation request email via a link, it will be possible to access the booking service
Access to the library is allowed only upon reservation
The service allows you to book the day, time and study material available in the catalogs section
It is possible for the user to book two consecutive shifts on the same day
It is possible to make 4 requests per day for a maximum of 8 volumes
It is allowed to book at least 48 hours (two working days) before the date on which the consultation is to be carried out
Following the booking, the user will receive a confirmation email. Users are invited to respect the reservation and its cancellation, in case of cancellation, no later than 24 hours.
In the event that the study material indicated is not available for consultation, the user will promptly receive a communication email.
Upon access to the library, you are required to present a valid identification document to validate your registration together with the barcode generated at the time of booking
The Reading Room is equipped with 12 workstations with Internet access via a wireless network
By statute, the loan is not granted, but only consultation on site
Informazioni Bibliografiche
Nella sala lettura della biblioteca, l’addetto di sala fornisce informazioni ed orienta sull’uso dei cataloghi, dei repertori, del materiale in consultazione e per l’individuazione e la localizzazione delle pubblicazioni

The Library does not carry out photocopying services.
Reproduction by own means (cameras, tablets, smartphones) is permitted as required by current legislation and in compliance with copyright legislation for study use only, provided that the state of conservation and the obligation of protection allow it. Reproduction must be carried out in the manner and with the means suitable to guarantee the protection of the material.
Before proceeding with the reproduction, it is necessary to request it by filling in the appropriate form available in the Reading Room and delivering it to the staff present in the Room.
Prints, photos, cartographic material, manuscripts, rare and valuable books, ancient books in imperfect conditions of conservation, material of such dimensions that it cannot be easily handled are not reproducible independently. For such material, the Management, having read the request, will evaluate any reproduction in digital format.
Reproductions for editorial or commercial purposes must be sent and authorized by the Library Management
Document Delivery
The Library provides free reproductions of documents or part of documents to libraries and cultural and research institutes in compliance with current legislation on the protection of copyright.
Loan for Exhibitions
The Library grants the loan exclusively for shows and exhibitions. The request, sent at least 6 months before the date scheduled for the event, will be evaluated by the Management and, in case of acceptance, subject to authorization according to current legislation.