1- The Roman Confraternities. Art history client , edited by Claudio Crescentini and Antonio Martini, Rome, 2000, 339 p., Ill.
2- MARCO PUPILLO, The SS. Trinity of the Pilgrims of Rome. Artists and clients at the time of Caravaggio , Rome, 2001, 142 p., Ill.
3- CLAUDIO DE DOMINICIS, Repertory of the cardinalate protectories from 1716 to 1964 , Rome, 2009, 407 p.
4- CLAUDIO DE DOMINICIS, Members of the Senate of Papal Rome. Senators, Conservators, Caporioni and their Priors and Golden List of ruling families (10th-19th centuries) , Rome, 2009, 384 p.

5- The Liber Decretorum of the scribes-born Pietro Rutili. Regesti of the oldest collection of minutes of the municipal councils of Rome (1515-1526) , edited by Andreas Rehberg, Rome, 2010, 411 p.
6- Repertory of Roman notaries from 1348 to 1927 from the Achille François List , edited by Romina De Vizio, Rome, 2011, XLVII, 208 p., Ill.