Bibliography of Marco Besso

Main works by Marco Besso
Rome and the Pope in proverbs and idioms . New illustrated edition, Rome 1904
Dante's Fortune Outside of Italy , Florence 1912
Philobiblon by Riccardo de Bury. Commentary and translation, 1914
Encomium morias by Erasmus of Rotterdam. Commentary and translation, 1918
Autobiography . With preface by Senator Rava, Rome 1925
Excerpts (articles contained in magazines or periodicals)
The joint stock company and the guarantees in favor of their creditors, extracted from "Economista d'Italia" dec. 1874, Bologna 1874
The new bill on accidents at work, extracted from “Nuova Antologia”, dec. 1881, Rome 1881
Zur Organization der Arbeiterversicherung in Italien, excerpt from “Assecuranz Jaharbuch”, VIII, Vienna 1889
An emancipatory economic legislation, extracted from "Opinion", mag.giu. 1890, Rome 1890
Megalomania and micromania, excerpt from “Nuova Antologia”, vol. XLIX, series III, feb. 1894
The Corso Forzoso, excerpt from "Opinion", 14 and 17 February 1894, Rome 1894
National economy and technicality, extracted from “Nuova Antologia”, vol.LXVI, series IV, dic. 1896, Rome 1896
The Montecassino Library, excerpt from “Nuova Antologia”, 1 May 1903, Rome 1903
The calculation of the annuities of the mortgages, extracted from "Economista d'Italia", Jun. 1903, Bologna 1903
About a Latin version of the Divine Comedy, extracted from "Bibliography", a.IV, dispensation 11 and 12, Florence 1903
Small essays and monographs of a few pages published by various publishers
Of the anonymous companies in the bill presented to the Senate on commercial companies - Practical observations, Tip. Of the successors Le Monnier, Florence 1875
The Pension Fund of the Upper Italian Railways, published by Felice Paggi, Florence 1876
On the legal recognition of the Mutual Aid Society. Report and written proposal on behalf of HE the Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Rome 1876
On the pension fund for workers in the province of Bologna, published by the Magazine of Charity and Social Security Institutes, Milan 1877
Report and draft law on the recognition of mutual aid societies, Rome, Tip.Eredi Botta, 1877
The pension fund for employees of Assicurazioni Generali. Letter to the editor of the Charity Magazine. Venice (1881)
The Insurance Industry in Europe, Trieste (1881)
Of a lacuna in the draft Code of Commerce, Florence 1882
Rome in proverbs and idioms. Essay by Marco Besso, Rome 1889
Reorganization of railway pension funds (Report on the draft new statutes), Rome Tip. Heirs Botta (1889)
A useful comparison. (Hungary and Italy). Letter to the "Opinion". Dec. 1893, Rome 1893
Issues of the day (1893-1894). A useful comparison - Megalomania and micromania - The duty on cereals - The forced course - Observation tax office, Rome 1894
Observation errors. Letter to the "Opinion", Rome 1894
The duty on cereals. Letter to the "Opinion", Rome 1894
Social security in the Risorgimento (1848-1898). Conference held at the Roman College on February 24, 1910, Rome 1910
Social Security in the Risorgimento. Fifty Years of Italian History (1860-1910), Rome 1910
The Italian University in Trieste. The new aspects of the problem, 1919