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Bibliography of Marco Besso

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Main works by Marco Besso

  • Rome and the Pope in proverbs and idioms . New illustrated edition, Rome 1904

  • Dante's Fortune Outside of Italy , Florence 1912

  • Philobiblon by Riccardo de Bury. Commentary and translation, 1914

  • Encomium morias by Erasmus of Rotterdam. Commentary and translation, 1918

  • Autobiography . With preface by Senator Rava, Rome 1925

Excerpts (articles contained in magazines or periodicals)

  • The joint stock company and the guarantees in favor of their creditors, extracted from "Economista d'Italia" dec. 1874, Bologna 1874

  • The new bill on accidents at work, extracted from “Nuova Antologia”, dec. 1881, Rome 1881

  • Zur Organization der Arbeiterversicherung in Italien, excerpt from “Assecuranz Jaharbuch”, VIII, Vienna 1889

  • An emancipatory economic legislation, extracted from "Opinion", mag.giu. 1890, Rome 1890

  • Megalomania and micromania, excerpt from “Nuova Antologia”, vol. XLIX, series III, feb. 1894

  • The Corso Forzoso, excerpt from "Opinion", 14 and 17 February 1894, Rome 1894

  • National economy and technicality, extracted from “Nuova Antologia”, vol.LXVI, series IV, dic. 1896, Rome 1896

  • The Montecassino Library, excerpt from “Nuova Antologia”, 1 May 1903, Rome 1903

  • The calculation of the annuities of the mortgages, extracted from "Economista d'Italia", Jun. 1903, Bologna 1903

  • About a Latin version of the Divine Comedy, extracted from "Bibliography", a.IV, dispensation 11 and 12, Florence 1903

Small essays and monographs of a few pages published by various publishers

  • Of the anonymous companies in the bill presented to the Senate on commercial companies - Practical observations, Tip. Of the successors Le Monnier, Florence 1875

  • The Pension Fund of the Upper Italian Railways, published by Felice Paggi, Florence 1876

  • On the legal recognition of the Mutual Aid Society. Report and written proposal on behalf of HE the Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Rome 1876

  • On the pension fund for workers in the province of Bologna, published by the Magazine of Charity and Social Security Institutes, Milan 1877

  • Report and draft law on the recognition of mutual aid societies, Rome, Tip.Eredi Botta, 1877

  • The pension fund for employees of Assicurazioni Generali. Letter to the editor of the Charity Magazine. Venice (1881)

  • The Insurance Industry in Europe, Trieste (1881)

  • Of a lacuna in the draft Code of Commerce, Florence 1882

  • Rome in proverbs and idioms. Essay by Marco Besso, Rome 1889

  • Reorganization of railway pension funds (Report on the draft new statutes), Rome Tip. Heirs Botta (1889)

  • A useful comparison. (Hungary and Italy). Letter to the "Opinion". Dec. 1893, Rome 1893

  • Issues of the day (1893-1894). A useful comparison - Megalomania and micromania - The duty on cereals - The forced course - Observation tax office, Rome 1894

  • Observation errors. Letter to the "Opinion", Rome 1894

  • The duty on cereals. Letter to the "Opinion", Rome 1894

  • Social security in the Risorgimento (1848-1898). Conference held at the Roman College on February 24, 1910, Rome 1910

  • Social Security in the Risorgimento. Fifty Years of Italian History (1860-1910), Rome 1910

  • The Italian University in Trieste. The new aspects of the problem, 1919

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